
Karma 101

Since I'm the newest recruit on the Karma Police, it seemed to me that my first post should be a handy little brush up course on the whole idea of "karma." And that comes courtesy of howstuffworks.com.

That's right... the handy site is now your one stop shop for total enlightenment. Ever wonder how toilets flush? Click here. How about your iPod? Turns out it isn't actually magical Steve Jobs elf clones after all. And if you happen to have questions about spiritual balance, they can drop some science knowledge about that too.


Rider said...

How Stuff Works explains everything, it seems.

Anonymous said...

thank you for shedding some light on the subject.

Lisa-tastrophies said...

Oh now I am going all Zen on the mysteries that I contemplate on the toilet..... To bad they can't explain why my ex never figured out the toilet paper replacement problem