
Hoping Karma Turns a Blind Eye

Rider here, with a humble request; just tossing this one out into the electronic ether, so to speak.

I'm asking Karma No One In Particular to leave Ameneh Bahrami alone. She's the Iranian woman who had acid thrown in her face by a spurned d-bag idiot who stalked her for years. He even confessed to his atrocity.

She demanded restitution in the form of an ancient Islamic law that calls for an eye-for-an-eye punishment...and the courts agreed. They denied her attacker's appeal.

He could have acid tossed into his eyes within a month.

Now, I'm not saying I condone this woman's desire to pull a full-on Harvey Dent on this creep. He certainly deserves it.

But I do want to caution her about taking Karmic justice into her own hands.

Remember what happened to me last November?

Five days after I casually reminded Karma that the person responsible for getting me fired was still employed--and literally the day after I finished telling that story--I received a clear message from the Powers That Be...

You first heard about it when former Block collaborator Stephanie P. posted that I was in the hospital. I soon discovered kidney stones had brought me down, but it wasn't until later that I realized the lesson:

Don't interfere with Karma.

You just don't do that. Don't rush forces you don't fully understand. Don't presume to remind them of your personal injustices.

Of course there's always the possibility that this brave, disfigured soul is acting as Karma's right hand; that she's earned the right to personally deal with this cretin who stole her sight.

If that's the case, may her aim be true and his screams be loud. Please remember to remove his glasses first.


More Movie Plots Played Out

I'm not sure which is the karma striking back here: the botched attempt at escape, or the fact that everyone in New Zealand was treated to their humourous hijinks on the television screen. The video is included on the story.

"Worst. Escape. Attempt. Ever."

I'm sure they were headed for a train bridge where they could use the passing train to cut the tether that held them together, a la Sylvester and Butch in that classic Looney Toons episode.



This is what you get for eating anything's testicles:

Possible fugu poisoning.

I wonder if they listened to an audiobook copy of the Bible as read by Larry King.



Maybe She Should Have Called a Cab

Here's the sad...er...unfortunate...er...hilarious story of a woman who was stealing purses from a T.J. Maxx. Yeah, that's right. Apparently, their low, low prices were still too much for her, so she stuffed them in her pants and ran for the hills, only to be struck twice by her car.

Thief Run Over Twice by Getaway Car

Maybe the realization that she was caught shoplifting from T.J. Maxx had sunk in and she was trying to commit suicide. Yeah, I'm not buying it, either. She's just dumb. So dumb she dropped a check at the scene of the crime, presumably with her personal information on it, that the police are using to track her down. We're almost to the point of a Darwin Award winner with this one.