
He Didn't Get Jack

Do you think the jack "slipped", or did Karma simply intervene and push it out of the way?

Either way, this guy certainly got what he was asking for. Damned palladium and platinum bandits...


Standing Up for the Little Guy

You want to hear about a Karma-lanche™ waiting to happen? I give you the ex-girlfriend of actor Verne Troyer, who is poised to be smothered by tons of crushing cosmic debris.

After Verne broke off his six-month relationship with Ranae Shrider, the brunette class-act allegedly released a sex tape they made together. Troyer's lawyer (not only does that rhyme but it sounds like a great band name) has been fighting to keep the tape private.

You're really asking for it when you publicly try to humiliate Mini Me and you won't leave his tiny house after he dumped your sorry ass.



I'm sitting here, patiently awaiting the email from the big bosses telling us we can go home, which is why you're getting two posts in one day from me.

Also, there's a lot here to digest in this story out of Terre Haute, Indiana.

Let the whole story sink in for a bit.

Clearly, there were a lot of things at play here. First, there was the manufacture of illegal drugs. Then the carrying of the paraphenalia for said manufacturing. There was also the handgun and last, but not least, the stolen ATV which was turned into a getaway vehicle.

Clearly, Karma had been rubbing her bejeweled hands together over this one for a long, long while, and it just seems that Mr. Jarvis was the unfortunate recipient of her vengeful wrath. Plus, seriously, you crashed your stolen ATV into a police car trying to get away? You deserve what you got.

Shoulda Thought This One Through

A few important lessons can be learned from this story, if you're considering breaking and entering anytime soon.

1) Always have an escape route planned.
2) Know how to swim before running into the water.
3) Steal a life vest if #2 fails you.
4) Don't screw with Karma.

I guess, at the very least, it wasn't a vat of manure.