
More Movie Plots Played Out

I'm not sure which is the karma striking back here: the botched attempt at escape, or the fact that everyone in New Zealand was treated to their humourous hijinks on the television screen. The video is included on the story.

"Worst. Escape. Attempt. Ever."

I'm sure they were headed for a train bridge where they could use the passing train to cut the tether that held them together, a la Sylvester and Butch in that classic Looney Toons episode.



This is what you get for eating anything's testicles:

Possible fugu poisoning.

I wonder if they listened to an audiobook copy of the Bible as read by Larry King.



Maybe She Should Have Called a Cab

Here's the sad...er...unfortunate...er...hilarious story of a woman who was stealing purses from a T.J. Maxx. Yeah, that's right. Apparently, their low, low prices were still too much for her, so she stuffed them in her pants and ran for the hills, only to be struck twice by her car.

Thief Run Over Twice by Getaway Car

Maybe the realization that she was caught shoplifting from T.J. Maxx had sunk in and she was trying to commit suicide. Yeah, I'm not buying it, either. She's just dumb. So dumb she dropped a check at the scene of the crime, presumably with her personal information on it, that the police are using to track her down. We're almost to the point of a Darwin Award winner with this one.