
Arrest This Man, He Talks In Maths

I'm not sure I believe in God, but I do believe in Karma.

It's not in my genetic make-up to talk religion--but that's not what this blog will be about. I created it for two reasons.
  1. I love odd stories where perfect/ironic/poetic closure comes to effed-up situations, because it affirms my belief in the addage "What goes around comes around."
  2. I wanted a place to store links or stories (à la Warren Ellis' repository for his research), where folks can contribute found news stories or write about their own experiences with the big K, be they humorous or chilling or just wishful thinking.*
Since I'm incapable of being overly serious, I intend to skew posts more towards the funny or ridiculous. And I'm sure not trying to get on karma's shit list. (We've all seen what happens to Earl when he screws up.)

So there you have it. Rider's new blog about all things karma-coated with a cookie center.
"I've given all I can
It's not enough
I've given all I can
But we're still on the payroll"
- Radiohead, 1997
* That means I'd like to add readers to this blog's author's list. Shoot me an email. I've got a short list in my head of regular readers of Rider's Block whom I think would have fun with this blog.

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