
Here's a Hundred Mil--Continue to Dumb Down the Country, Please

In a disturbing case of reverse Karma, Seth MacFarlane cut a deal for $100 million with Fox TV to continue producing "content" through 2012*--making him the least-deserving multi-millionaire in history.

As someone who doesn't "get" MacFarlane's "humor," I threw my issue of Entertainment Weekly across the room when I read this last night.

Why am I so pissed off? Because truly genius shows like Arrested Development and Wonderfalls were cancelled by the same Fox suits who champion unoriginal shows like Family Guy and American Dad.

There's no funny payoff to this post. Consider it my tribute to every Seth MacFarlane gag.

* The scheduled Apocalypse, yo! It all fits!


MJenks said...

You know, if McFarlane were smart, he'd be donating tons of money to the GOP to get another Republican in the White House. That way he could continue on with the same, tired, unfunny routine that he's been working for...however long he's been in existance.

If only his alarm had gone off on time back in 2001...

Dr Zibbs said...

They got a good deal. Do you know what kind of scratch the family guy generate?

Anonymous said...

I know i'm a little late on this post...but THANK GOD I've found someone who feels the same way I do.
Who are all these idiots that rallied to get Family Guy back on the air?
And why can't we do the same for Arrested Development? Which is clearly more deserving

Anonymous said...

I dont like this show, but have to admit, a few weeks ago I saw some episodes and I was laughing my ass off.

But I still cant stand that talking baby with the football head.